New business cards from Moo

A few days ago, I processed my order for new business cards on Moo. Since I left behind the lostlight-photo domain in favour to the present website of, the business cards I had were “obsolete”. After seeing many options at the end I decided to work with the people of Moo, who offered me some very interesting possibilities and formats at a contained price.
The best has been the opportunity to create many different designs without extra cost for one of the two faces, thus allowing to have a small “portfolio” and delivering the card with a different design on each card. For now and as a test I have prepared 20 different designs, which I hope to create again in future orders.
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[…] terminado el 2012 y por coincidencia también con las existencias de las tarjetas de visita que encargué en Moo aún no hace un año. He aprovechado entonces para reafinar ligerísimamente el diseño, […]